Soon, Ascend Education will release a study revealing the math skill gaps most prominent among students in need of intervention. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time this kind of important data will be made available publicly. The study will include data from more than 18,000 students identified for math intervention. Today, I want to give you a sneak peek at one of the key findings.
All students in the study were given a level recommendation test to assess their functional grade level.
Look at the findings for those students in grade 7 who were below grade level in math. Nearly one out of four students had skill gaps two grade levels below their current grade. Another 26% had skill gaps three grade levels below the seventh, 26% had gaps four grade levels below, and an astounding 19% of students had skill gaps five grade levels below their current grade.
The other grades studied look similar. There is a clear pattern here. How can a teacher, no matter how dedicated and brilliant, attend to students with needs this widespread?
Please keep watching this blog for updates on this critical study.
Ascend Math is an intensive math intervention program that reaches down to the student’s lowest skill gap and provides a truly individual study plan unique to each student.